Hot Bolting and Torgue Services
At Mustang Offshore Group, we strongly believe there is always a
better way to save our customers crucial time and money and have
patented several ground-breaking products to
do so.
Our Torque and Bolting services is a subsidiary of Mustang Offshore
Limited which offers globally-available, first-class, on-site hydraulic
bolt tightening services from a simple
bolt-up of a single flange connection or nipple up/down to maintenance
major-shutdown site services. We utilize only the best equipment and
tools to deploy a "First-Time, Right-Time" service in the industry.
Our Torque Tools cover a full range of sizes from 1/2" to 5" studs and
7/8" to 7-5/8" a/f nuts, Enerpac Hydraulic Pumps, Hydraulic and
pneumatic wrenches, Enerpac Hydraulic Nut Splitters, Enerpac Hydraulic
Flange Spreaders.
Torque capacity is from 20 lb/ft (34 N/m) to 10,000 lb/ft (80,524 N/m)
with manual and hydraulic equipment. We offer Hydraulic Torque Tools
with both air and electricity-driven power packs which can be used
within hazardous environments such as off-shore platforms, eliminating
the need to shut down.
All ’s Torque Tools are tested and supplied with applicable test or
calibration certificates.